On April 27, 2017 (Thursday) I will renew the online store.
We may not be able to temporarily access the site, but please understand.
On April 27, 2017 (Thursday) I will renew the online store.
We may not be able to temporarily access the site, but please understand.
<Track edition engineered by nismo>
Black edition
Premium editionをベースにR34スカイラインGT-R Mスペックと同じ「シリカブレス」が奢られるほか、室内とエンジンルーム内に専用ナンバープレートが配される限定車(45台)。
Pure edition
Black edition
Premium edition
Track edition engineered by nismo
9,477,000(Pure edition?)~11,700,720(Track edition?)円
MY2015 Nissan GT-R will be introduced and will be on sale from 25th November. GT-R Otaku has managed to obtain a secret document with detail of the MY2015 GT-R. The new MY2015 is not track focused but aimed at being the “premium sport” and thus became even more comfortable than the MY2014.
<What they have changed>
*With MY2014, Nissan’s engineers looked into lessening of the pitching in ride quality. With MT2015, they looked into the horizontal movement of the ride quality. Nissan claims the stability of the MY2015 GT-R is 4times higher than that of Porsche 911, 3times higher than that of Mercedes Benz C63 AMG… We do not know how Nissan measured the difference…
*The damping of the shock absorbers have been changed and ECU has been remapped accordingly. MY2015 GT-R’s agility has increased a great deal.
*The material as well as the design of the tires have been refined. They not only grip better but absorb unnecessary road information thus providing better ride quality.
*Engine, transmission, trans-axel, driveshaft have all been refined to have less constructional “gaps”. Lessening the gaps has led to less mechanical noise and lessened the friction losses. The bearings of the transmission have been altered by few microns.
*By lessoning of friction losses, acceleration of the MY2015 has improved an ECU has been refined accordingly.
<Track edition engineered by nismo>
From MY2014, the ride and handling of the GT-R has changed drastically. From MY2015, in order to accommodate more demanding customers, Nissan will introduce a new model called “track edition engineered by nismo” based on Black edition.
Rigid bonding body
Wide front fenders with air outlets
Track edition dedicated suspension
Track edition dedicated front/rear stabilizers with stiffer springs
Track edition dedicated Rays Aluminum forged rims
Track edition dedicated tires (DUNLOP SP SPORT MAXX GT600 DSST)
<45th anniversary model>
Based on Premium editon, 45 of the 45th anniversary will be on sale. The body color will be Silica Breath, same as R34 Skyline GT-R M spec, and will have dedicated anniversary plates in the interior as well as the engine room.
45th Anniversary models will be introduced on 25th November, Nissan will take orders from the beginning of January 2015 and will be sold from 25th February.
<The lineup of MY2015 GT-R>
Pure edition
Black edition
Premium edition
Track edition engineered by nismo
<price range>
9,477,000(Pure edition?)yen ~11,700,720(Track edition?)yen
An R35 that has been modified to 1200ps managed to average 323.2km/h… Yes, sure. Not surprising at all, is it? Well… until you hear that the record was achieved by a blind man!
Mike Newman, an ex-bank manager… I don’t know why he is always introduced as “an ex-bank manager” but all the media coverage do so… set a record of 299.3km/h last year with a Porsche 911 Turbo.
At that point, he has set the world’s fastest blind driver record but he challenged himself, probably wanting to break the 200mph barrier. Newman used the Elvington Airfield and its 1.8-mile (2.9 km) runway where he was required to perform back to back runs. At the end of the two runs, his speed was averaged to a new record of 200.9 mph (323.2 km/h).
ニューマン氏、Speed of Sightという身体障害者のためのモータースポーツ団体を主宰しており、その活動のアピール、またハンディキャップを克服するチャレンジ精神を見せつけてくれました。ちなみに2011年には全盲者による水上最速記録樹立・・・
Newman keeps breaking the blind land speed record in order to promote the organization, Speed of Sight. This charity makes it possible for people with disabilities to experience the thrill of driving a car around a race track. In addition to land speed records, the Speed of Sight website also says Newman has set a water speed record
Newman, also, did acrobatic vertical loops (aka, loop-the-loops). He is a brave… one heck of an adrenaline junky! lol
For more information on this particular GT-R, head over to Litchfield
GT-R Magazine Vol.118
On sale from 1st August 2014
Price: 1300 yen
Publisher: Kotsu Times Sha http://www.kotsu-times.jp
GT-R Magazine Vol.118 will feature on R32 GT-R(BNR32) as it will turn 25 years old on the 21st of August. Chikara Kitabatake, a photographer, shot the R32 for a cover page 20 years ago when the very first GT-R Magazine came out and he shot it again. What we focused was to shoot the original (unmodified) R32 with backgrounds that never were 25 years ago. All the shots were taken in Tokyo and some of you may notice exactly where. What surprised us is that BNR32 still looks fabulous even after a quarter of a century. Enjoy looking at these beautiful pictures and reminiscent on the day BNR32 made its debut. On the side note, this particular BNR32 belongs to Kozo Wantanabe, a man in charge of testing BNR32, and is the only BNR32 colored in the factory original green.
As for the special feature, we have interviewed men behind the development of R32 Skyline. Those men were Shurei Ito, a product manager then and Hiroshi Tamura, a product manager’s right hand man then. We have also interviewed the designer of an R32, Hidetoshi Nishiizumi, chief engineer of chassis design who put in a lot of work for ATESA E-TS, Toshiro Matsda and Seiji Nagakura who was in charge of product assessment.
Our regular feature of “BNR32 project” being looked after at NISMO Omori Factory is nearly coming to a completion. The engine has been installed and is now drivable. We will soon find out the full extent of an R32 which has been refreshed by the works team.
In the last issue, we attached a DVD and with this issue, we are giving away a free GT-R Magazine original sticker. There is an amazing story behind this sticker and we shall soon reveal it in our official blog. http://www.kotsu-times.jp/gtrmag/
●Other contents are of R’s meeting 2014 guide, including “we shall aim for world record”/ GT-R&NSX Tokyo-Hokkaidou long touring/ R32, R33, R34, R35 staff car diaries/ Super GT 2014 & report on Nurburgring 24hours etc.
「GT-R Magazine 118号」
発行:(株)交通タイムス社 http://www.kotsu-times.jp 偶数月1日発売
GT-R Magazine最新号(118号)は、今年の8月21日で発売から丸25年を迎える「R32GT-R(BNR32)」の特集です! 今号の表紙と巻頭グラビアは、20年前にも本誌創刊号(000号)の表紙を撮っていただいた写真家・北畠主税氏に依頼しました。今回拘ったのは、発売当時そのまま(つまり、フルノーマル)の初期モデル(平成元年式)で、25年前にはなかった風景をバックにカットを撮るという点。ロケ地はすべて東京都内ですが、中にはどの場所かおわかりになる方もいらっしゃると思います。四半世紀の時を経ても、まったく色褪せないBNR32。美しいグラビア写真をご覧いただきながら、25年前の「あの日」に思いを馳せていただければと思います。ちなみに、今回撮影に使用した車両はBNR32の実験主担を務めた、皆さんご存じ「渡邉衡三」氏の愛車です(世界に一台しかない、幻の純正グリーン色!)。
特集企画の内容ですが、今回はR32スカイラインの産みの親ともいえる、商品主管「伊藤修令」氏にご登場いただきインタビューを敢行。さらに、その右腕の商品主担として手腕を振るった「田口 浩」氏にもお話しを伺いました。伊藤氏はもちろん、単独では本誌初登場の田口氏が語る「裏話」も大変興味深い内容です。また、R32のデザイナーを務めた「西泉秀俊」氏、アテーサE-TSの開発に尽力されたシャシー設計部・主任技師「松田俊郎」氏、商品性評価を担当した車担「長倉靖二」氏など、R32の開発には欠かせないキーマンに、当時の苦労など貴重なエピソードをお聞きしています。また、R32といえば外せない「グループA」に関しても、今まではあまりスポットが当てられなかった「プロトタイプ」を取り上げています。さらに、本誌で連載中の『NISMO大森ファクトリー』が手掛ける「BNR32プロジェクト」もいよいよ佳境を迎えました! 今回はついにエンジンが搭載され、走り出せる状態まで完成。ワークスが手掛ける「新世代のR32」、その見事な仕上がりは誌面にて!
さて、今号には前号のDVDに続き特別付録をご用意しました。「R32生誕25周年」を祝し本誌オリジナルのステッカーを製作。最新号の118号に綴じ込んであります。そのステッカーですが、じつはその誕生に凄い逸話が……!? 詳しくは、近日中にGT-R Magazineのブログ(http://www.kotsu-times.jp/gtrmag/)でご紹介いたします!
●GT-R Magazine118号 その他のコンテンツ: R’s Meeting 2014 イベントガイド「今年は世界記録に挑戦!」/一時代を築いた名車 GT-R×NSX 東京〜北海道ロングツーリング/スタッフカーの日常をレポート R32・R33・R34・R35運行日誌/スーパーGT 2014&ニュル24時間レポート etc.