Tag Archives: acceleration

Japan’s best machines go head to head! 日本の最高峰バトル

Nissan GT-R (R35) is one of the quickest, in terms of 0-100km/h acceleration, cars in the world. GT-R may not be able to match the performance of Bugatti Veyron but it costs nearly 2 million USD. So, it is fair to say that GT-R is one of the best cars in terms of value for money. GT-R being nearly invincible, however, may bore people. Thus we shall feature this video of GT-R battling against Suzuki GSX-1000R.

Suzuki GSX-1000R received a premium Yoshimura exhaust, and a stretch job with a longer swingarm to withstand the crazy thrust on the highway. We don’t know if the engine of this particular bike has been modified or not but it weighs no more than 170kg and has 185ps as standard… As GSX-1000R has non-synchronous transmission, shift up is fast and it reaches 130km/h in FIRST gear. The retail price of GSX-1000R is less than 2 million yen. So, it is fair to say that GSX-1000R is also one of the best bikes in terms of value for money.

On the other hand we’ve got a 600 HP GTR, but it just wasn’t Nissan’s day. No matter who wins in this battle, we are witnessing the best of what Japan has to offer.




市販ラジアルタイヤで0-400m 10秒台

「ストリートからサーキット・ゼロヨン・最高速」をコンセプトに掲げている愛知県半田市にあるチューナー、ガレージ八幡。そんな彼らが手がけたR35が凄いんです。その名も「Garage YAWATA Street 35GT-R」。最高速度320km/hを記録するこの35GT-Rは、市販ラジアルタイヤで0-400加速10秒前半をマークするそうです!

Our Views
A tuner called “Garage Yawata” is based in Handa-shi, Aichi-prefecture. Their demo-car “Garage YAWATA Street 35GT-R” has been modified so that the maximum speed reaches 320km/h and dashes 0-400m in just a bit over 10 seconds even with “normal” radial tyres!


チューンドGT-Rは0-400m加速を8秒台で駆け抜け・・・、なんだか凄いことになっています。そんな“8秒台クラブ”の一角を担うのが、ドバイのSP Engineering. なんとなくのイメージですけど・・・、お金に糸目を付けない方々のわがままな要望に一生懸命応えていそうです(笑)。

0-400m 8.79sec
Reached Speed 167mph (267.2km/h)

Custom cars そんな彼らのイメージビデオがなかなかカッコ良かったのでご紹介します!


Our Views
Modified GT-Rs are running 0-400m in 8 seconds these days… SP Engineering of Dubai is one of those who managed to join the “8 seconds club”. Their modified R35 looks great and I thought the promotional video of their shop looked good, too.

What caught my attention was the fact that they are building Juke R as well… I can only imagine their customers wanting nothing but the best and spare no expense….


トランクリッドに「コジラ」と可愛く書かれていることに目を奪われた、筆者ですが・・・、なかなかオシャレなマシンです。2012年にもGUMBALL3000に出場中のTEAM WOLF PACKですが、今年もGT-Rがエントリーを果たしました!昨年は蛍光緑、今年は蛍光緑に加えてカモフラージュか、戦闘機がモチーフでしょうか?いやはや、羨ましい車道楽ぶりです。

Our Views
Team Wolf Pack’s Nissan GT-R enjoyed last year’s Gumball adventure and for 2013, Godzilla received a jet fighter theme via a green-colored wrap. The “military forces” connection between the two car is obvious, so it seems that the team, which comes from Oman, has a passion for all things army.