A complete guide DVD on R35 GT-R overhaul 【GT-R Magazine特別編集】 R35 GT-R 完全オーバーホールガイド DVD 

GT-R Magazine初のDVDマガジン

 今年で創刊20周年を迎えるGT-R Magazineが、初の試みとなるDVDマガジンをリリース。編集部のスタッフカーとして活躍している2007年式の初期型R35GT-Rを分解し、各部の消耗度を細かく検証。今後も安心して長くR35に乗り続けるためにフルリフレッシュを敢行し、その作業の一部始終をDVDに収録した。GT-R MagazineのR35は、新車から6年で走行距離が12万3,000kmに到達している。街乗りからサーキット走行までさまざまな使い方をしてきたR35の内部は、いったいどのような状態になっているのか? 


 また、本DVDでは最新型のR35 2014年モデルも徹底分析。街乗り、高速道路、ワインディングでじっくりとその進化ぶりをインプレッションする。

● 発売元:株式会社交通タイムス社
● 発売日:2014年3月5日
● 本体価格:2,857円+税

For the first time, we have documented the overhaul & refresh process of an R35 in a film.
The very first DVD released by GT-R Magazine.
The length of the DVD is 167 minutes and will be on sale from 5th March.

GT-R Magazine is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. As a commemorative gesture, we will release our very first DVD magazine, highlighting on our 2007 R35 GT-R, staff car, which has been driven over 123,000km for the last 6 years. We have pulled the car apart and checked how worn and torn the car really is and refreshed anything necessary. This R35 has been our everyday car as well as a circuit machine.

Our GT-R was diagnosed at NISMO Omori factory. Engine, transmission and chassis were pulled a part by highly skilled mechanics and received careful inspection. Many of the damaged parts were either replaced or updated with parts from the latest R35. After an overhaul, we brought the car to winding roads as well as a circuit to check for its potential. The DVD also looks closely into 2014 R35 and features extensive test drives in all sorts of situations.

The 167 minutes DVD comes with a 20page special booklet. This DVD is dedicated to GT-R owners of all generations as well as potential buyers of R35s.

Sold by Kotsu-times
On sale from 5th March 2014
2,857 yen (excluding consumption tax)


Mashup your favorite NISMO models! お気に入りのニスモマシンを混ぜましょう?!

A Nissan Leaf three-door hatchback with a GT-R front!!! It is something that we usually find on the weird corners of the internet or the motor show floors of the Tokyo Auto Salon. But this photo actually comes from NISMO USA’s facebook page.

It is a fun promotion called “Mashup 1”. NISMO is asking readers to submit their weirdest ideas as comments. Head over to Facebook page and submit your comments!


日産リーフにGT-Rのフロント!!!当然、新型車なわけはなくネットに出回るコラージュ写真だったり、東京オートサロンで見かける意欲作です。ただコレ・・・、NISMO USAがFacebookページで公開しているものなんです。


The sound of Infiniti Q50 Eau Rouge Concept!    インフィニティQ50 Eau Rouge コンセプトのエンジン音!

Infiniti is going to display Q50 Eau Rouge concept at the 2014 Geneva International Motor Show in March. For now, Infiniti will only give us two pieces of the puzzle that is the powertrain of the Q50 Eau Rouge, including the fact that it’s a turbocharged unit and a video with its soundtrack.

If our guess is right, they will use de-tuned version of VR38DTT. Infiniti has released a YouTube video containing the sound of the Q50 Eau Rouge concept, so they claim. In the opening and ending, we hear the familiar VR38DETT sound but in the middle… we hear two modified RB26 sound as well????

インフィニティのコンセプトカー、Q50 Eau Rouge コンセプトは、未だ市販化は未定です。が、ジュネーブモーターショーにも出展するらしく、YouTubeではエンジン音を聞かせるティザー動画がアップされています。まぁ、順当に考えてVR38DETTのディチューン版なんですけど、動画の頭とお尻だけがVR38DETTっぽいです。


Priceless reactions of children aboad a 1000ps GT-R! 1000馬力GT-Rに乗った子供のプライスレスなリアクション

Master Card may have priceless advertisements.
But children’s reactions are truely priceless, especially when it comes to cars for us car lovers.


A girl sits on her daddy’s 1000ps GT-R

Despite her promise to keep it a secret, the first she did when she opened the door was “Mommy! Daddy took me for a joyride!…”

The next video has nothing to do with GT-R but… a priceless reaction from a boy is worth noting.

Subaru Impreza, I presume?
Quiet, expression-less father is… kinda cool, too.