Tag Archives: nissan

Win a supercar for € 14.99… Really? スーパーカー宝くじはたったの14.99ユーロ…、本当?

Auto Gespot had an article featuring on “Win Your Spercar” which is a lottery for winning a supercar. Apparently, the lottery is usually sold for € 49.99, but it’s only € 14.99 for unknown perio of time. Participating in this unique opportunity might make you the winner of a brand new BMW M5. You could also consider the Nissan GT-R or the Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG. Buying a ticket for each of these three cars is of course possible and will enhance your chances.

And they will pay for everything (fuel, tires, road tax: up to € 50,000) for three years and the winner can do anything with the car after three years.

As we took out our credit cards, we came to my senses. The lottery tickets are only limited to 9999. What if they sold 9999 lottery tickets for € 14.99… they would not make any money. If they sold 9999 lottery tickets for € 49.99… yeah, they can make a fair bit of profit… but what if the winner resided in Singapore where cars are 4-5 times more expensive than Germany or Japan where these cars come from…

No, we are not accusing this lottery to be a scam. But at the same time, you might want to be careful.
As I read the article on Auto Gespot more carefully, I notice a banner advertisement for Win Your Supercar on the same page… And I think to myself “Oh, this is not a proper article but a paid publicity”.

\We won’t stop you from dreaming and if you want to participate in this, by all means, please! We wish you the best of luck. YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT, as they say.

We will keep our eyes on Win Your Supercar for as long as we can and see if there really is a winner or not. Till then, we decided not to participate in this lottery.


AUTO GESPOT というサイトに“14.99ポンドでスーパーカーを当てよう”という記事があり速攻、読んでみました。要はスーパーカー宝くじで、掲載されている車(BMW M5、M・ベンツC63AMG、日産GT-R)を応募者が選択し、チケットを購入するんです。チケットは限定販売で、募集枚数(ページにカウンターが用意されています)に達すると抽選。後日、当選番号がホームページに公開されるんですって。





ついでに言うと、このAUTO GESPOTの記事自体、よくよく見るとトップバナーに当該宝くじサイトの広告が貼り込まれていて“ああ、タイアップ記事なのね”って思わせてくれます。

GT-R Otakuでは確認できるかぎり、この宝くじサイトに注目していく所存です!e

Andy Palmer can, really, drive! アンディ・パーマー氏は運転がお上手!

Nissan’s Executive Vice President, Andy Palmer never fails to offer media with surprises. At Tokyo Motorshow, back in 2011, he stated “it’s a complete bullshit” on claims that electric automobiles simply transfer emissions from the vehicle’s tailpipe to the countless electricity-generating smokestacks across the globe. Last year, when Toyota 86/Subaru BRZ made their debuts, he called them “mid-life crisis cars” and made headlines… lol

And we applaud him for being so frank. In fact, he is awesome.

He’s an engineer, a business leader and a great driver, too, apparently. When NISMO GT-R was attempting for Nurburgring record lap, Andy drove a lap as well. His time was somewhere in 8minutes range and surprised all the people present.

Nissan just uploaded a video of Andy driving the new NISMO GT-R at Nissan’s test track in Tochigi prefecture. The video shows NISMO GT-R’s chief vehicle engineer explaining of the car and Andy driving… We would have loved to see Andy driving on Nurburgring though.

It’s nice to know that Nissan has car enthusiast as one of their executives!

日産自動車副社長のアンディ・パーマー氏、毒舌家で我々メディアに賑やかな話題を提供してくれる人物です(笑)。2011年、東京モーターショーの囲み取材中(発電所がCO2を排出しているかぎり)EVはCO2排出転嫁をしているだけではないか、という指摘に「it’s a complete bullshit」(英語圏では基本、放送禁止用語:でたらめ、という意味)と発してみたり、トヨタ86/スバルBRZにてついて「中年期の鬱病用」と称してみたり。


エンジニアで経営者で、運転技術もレーシングドライバーも驚くレベル、だと聞いています。なんでもNISMO GT-Rのニュルブルクリンク記録樹立時、実はパーマー氏もステアリングを握って周囲を驚かせるタイムをたたき出したとか。

そんなパーマー氏が栃木のテストコースでNISMO GT-Rのステアリングを握った姿が動画で公開されています。NISMO GT-Rのチーフ・ヴィークル・エンジニアがパーマー氏に説明、という体で撮影された動画ですが・・・、どうせならニュルブルクリンクの走りが見たかったです(笑)。

NISSAN GT-R NISMO Development Story

[Via Nissan Newsroom] Documentary movie of behind-the-scenes of Nissan GT-R NISMO vehicle development. Includes testing scenes from Nurburgring, Sendai, and France, with interviews and attack lap which marked 7:08.679 at the Ring.
NISSAN GT-R NISMO開発の軌跡を追ったドキュメンタリー。独ニュルブルクリンク、仙台ハイラン­ド、フランスの風洞実験場での開発風景や関係者インタビュー、7:08.679をマー­クしたタイムアタックまで。

Michael Krumm Attacks Nürburgring in a Nissan GT-R NISMO

[Via Nissan Newsroom] Full in-car shot of Michael Krumm, racing driver and NISMO Brand Ambassador, setting record lap time of 7:08.679 at Nürburgring Nordscheleife on the Nissan GT-R NISMO. Audio track includes his own comments.
ミハエル・クルム選手がNISSAN GT-R NISMOを駆りニュルブルクリンクで7:08679をマークした車載動画。本人のコ­メント付。