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市販ラジアルタイヤで0-400m 10秒台

「ストリートからサーキット・ゼロヨン・最高速」をコンセプトに掲げている愛知県半田市にあるチューナー、ガレージ八幡。そんな彼らが手がけたR35が凄いんです。その名も「Garage YAWATA Street 35GT-R」。最高速度320km/hを記録するこの35GT-Rは、市販ラジアルタイヤで0-400加速10秒前半をマークするそうです!

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A tuner called “Garage Yawata” is based in Handa-shi, Aichi-prefecture. Their demo-car “Garage YAWATA Street 35GT-R” has been modified so that the maximum speed reaches 320km/h and dashes 0-400m in just a bit over 10 seconds even with “normal” radial tyres!



気になりますねぇ、どうだったのか!詳しくはGT-Rマガジン別冊「R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II」で取り上げているそうです。いやぁ・・・、出し惜しみしているわけじゃないんです(笑)。 7月1日、全国書店にて発売予定!!

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GT-R Magazine’s staff car has driven 123,000km in 5 and half years. Any cars driven more than 100,000km, in Japan, is considered “a lot”. With the help of NISMO, they have decided to take evenryting apart, from this particular R35, and look closely into the wear and tear to see what 125,000km of driving did to the car. The arcticle is featured on not GT-R Magazine but its sibling magazine called “R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II”. I, seriously, am curious! The magazine will be on sale from 1st July!