Tag Archives: gt-r

Leaked information on GT-R Nismo! And NO HYBRID for R35! GT-Rニスモのリーク情報大公開!R35でのハイブリッドは無し!

We have been excited since the report on trademark registration of “PURE DRIVE Hybrid R”, filed by Nissan, came out. This could’ve been the long anticipated hybrid model for Nissan GT-R which focuses on performance and efficiency like Porsche GT3 Hybrid or Audi R18 E-tron.

But our sources tell us that Nissan has HALTED the development of GT-R Hybrid due to difficulties accommodating the already-state of the art 4WD system together with hybrid management system. Again, the detail is scarce but our sources are very very reliable… We have also obtained further detail on GT-R Nismo.

There will be NO warranty, of the paint, for Dark Mat Gray paint which was revealed at Tokyo Motor Show. If you want GT-R Nismo to perform as capable as the one seen lapping Nurburgring, you will need to purchase “Nismo pack” which will set you back a few million yen (detail still yet to be disclosed).

Nismo pack is said to consist of the bellow:
Ohlins 2-way suspension (normal R35’s front suspension is 60% softer)
Larger carbon rear wing
Carbon rear bulkhead
Carbon bucket seats
Nismo pack aeroparts
Nismo pack brake pads
Nismo carbon intake without BOV

Whether Nismo will tweak on the power output is yet to be decided.

As for the difference between MY13 and MY14 engine are the smoother inner surface of air intake, surge tank and more precise fuel injectors. So, how different are GT-R engine and GT-R Nismo engine? Nismo GT-R has turbos from GT3 as well as Nismo original fuel pump but the way in which they build engines are essentially the same as normal GT-R engines at the same Yokohama plant.
GT-RのMY13とMY14のエンジンの違いは、インテークやサージタンクのバリとりや段とりとインジェクターの精度アップ、のみ。でもって、GT-R ニスモのエンジンはGT3のターボを搭載し、専用燃料噴射装置を装着する以外、作り手も組み立て場所(横浜)も同じです。



日産による「PURE DRIVE R Hybrid」の商標登録が報じられてから、GT-R へのハイブリッドモデル追加が期待されていました。トヨタ・プリウスのようなエコのため、というよりもポルシェ911GT-3ハイブリッドやアウディR18 E-tronといった速さと効率を追求したスーパーモデル・・・。




オーリンズ 2-way サスペンション(基準車のフロントサスはNismoよりも60%柔らかいセッティング)


At the test drive event, we found two types of exhausts for GT-R Nismo. This is the standard pipes.試乗会では二種類のエキゾーストを目撃。これがスタンダード。


This is the titanium exhaust for GT-R Nismo. こっちがチタン製のエキゾースト。


GT-R Nismo which ran on Nurburgring had these pipes made of carbon fiber. ニュルでタイムアタックに挑んだGT-Rニスモは囲った部分がカーボンファイバーでした。

NISSAN GT-R NISMO Development Story

[Via Nissan Newsroom] Documentary movie of behind-the-scenes of Nissan GT-R NISMO vehicle development. Includes testing scenes from Nurburgring, Sendai, and France, with interviews and attack lap which marked 7:08.679 at the Ring.
NISSAN GT-R NISMO開発の軌跡を追ったドキュメンタリー。独ニュルブルクリンク、仙台ハイラン­ド、フランスの風洞実験場での開発風景や関係者インタビュー、7:08.679をマー­クしたタイムアタックまで。

Michael Krumm Attacks Nürburgring in a Nissan GT-R NISMO

[Via Nissan Newsroom] Full in-car shot of Michael Krumm, racing driver and NISMO Brand Ambassador, setting record lap time of 7:08.679 at Nürburgring Nordscheleife on the Nissan GT-R NISMO. Audio track includes his own comments.
ミハエル・クルム選手がNISSAN GT-R NISMOを駆りニュルブルクリンクで7:08679をマークした車載動画。本人のコ­メント付。