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Vivamus vel sem at sapien interdum pretium. Sed porttitor, odio in blandit ornare, arcu risus pulvinar ante, a gravida augue justo sagittis ante. Sed mattis consectetur metus quis rutrum. Phasellus ultrices nisi a orci dignissim nec rutrum turpis semper.

Nismo Concept Watch is one cool looking smartwatch! フランクフルトモーターショーで発表される、ニスモコンセプトウォッチ

Nissan’s new concept smartwatch aims to help with by sending an array of data from your car directly to your wrist. It also monitors your own body’s performance. The Nismo Concept Watch, set to bow at the Frankfurt Motor Show later this week, has a variety of functions adapted from technology used to monitor the performance of Nismo racing drivers who compete in the the FIA GT and Blancpain Endurance Series.

Strap the Nismo Concept Watch onto your wrist and it sends you information about your car’s average speed and fuel economy, your performance data while on the track, your biometric data so fatigue can be identified early on, and potential road hazards or mechanical issues with the vehicle. And if you’re one of those people who likes to broadcast your entire life on social media, the smartwatch will also track and rate your performance across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest.

No word yet on production plans, however.

フランクフルトモーターショーで発表される、スマートウォッチに注目です。「ニスモ・コンセプト・ウォッチ」の名前で発表されるスマートウォッチ、車とドライバーの一体感を高めてくれる内容なんです。FIA GT選手権、ブランパン耐久シリーズなど実践からのフィードバックを受けて開発されたものだそうです。

車の平均スピード、燃費、サーキット走行なら一式のデータ、そしてドライバー自身の心拍数などが記録され、スマートウォッチに表示させることができるんです。あっ、ちなみにスマートウォッチからFacebook, Twitter, Instagram そしてPinterest.といったSNSへの投稿も、もちろん可能だそうです。詳しくはフランクフルトモーターショーでデビュー後、色んなメディアが取り上げることになるでしょうねぇ。発売されることに期待大!

New world record for GT-R… 0-300km/h加速11.56秒!

It’s quite ironic to think that when Nissan introduced GT-R, they did everything they could to prevent people from tuning it. They wanted to make GT-R different, give it more luxurious positioning, from that of Skyline GT-R. However, as time has proven, the Nissan GT-R has become one of the world’s most popular supercars to modify.

During a recent run at an MLR event, the 1400hp Nissan GT-R modified by Severn Valley Motorsport managed to hit an incredible 380.84km/h in just one mile… Consequently, the car completed the standing mile in just 22.42.

It’s worth mentioning that a 1700hp Nissan GT-R, AMS Alpha12, in Russia recently completed the standing mile at a top speed of 382km/h. However, to Severn Valley Motorsport’s credit, their GT-R did reach 300km/h in a mere 11.56 seconds making it almost 1 second faster to that mark than the aforementioned 1700hp GT-R!


つい先日、ロシアのドラッグレースでAMS Alpha12が世界最速記録を樹立したばかりですが・・・






MY2014 NISMO GT-R caught on camera! 2014年式ニスモGT-Rがカメラに捕獲された! has scoop photos of MY2014 Nismo GT-R! Under this black and white camouflage we can spot an updated front bumper with a new front splitter and revised rear bumper with new vents. The prototype also has the typical six-spoke Nismo alloys wheels and a new big rear spoiler, which was removed for road testing.

Modified 3.8l twin-turbo V6 is expected to produce over 570ps. The GT-R Nismo will also undergo a major weight loss thanks to extensive use of carbon fibre, apparently. The GT-R Nismo is going to debut most likely at the Tokyo Motor Show in November.

For more photos, head over to




Nissan had already gotten the trade marks of “R Hybrid” registered in Japan back in June. 6月には日産が登録していた「R Hybrid」の商標

We have brought you a story on the possible addition of a hybrid model in the lineup of GT-R day before yesterday. The trade marks have been registered in the US but I didn’t bother checking our own, Japanese registration. As one of GT-R Otaku memeber, Shin-san, pointed out to me, Nissan had submitted registrations of “R Hybird” as well as “PURE DRIVE R HYBRID” in the beginning of this year and were granted copy rights to Nissan in June.


GT-Rにハイブリッドモデルが投入されるかも、という話題の 続報です。アメリカにおける商標登録だけしかご紹介しませんでしたが、実は日本の特許庁にも「PURE DRIVE R HYBRID」ならびに「R HYRBID」はちゃーんと登録されていました。本来、ブログ執筆時に確認すべきでしたが、GT-R OTAKUのメンバー、SHINさんからの指摘で発覚しました!Many Thanks!