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Vivamus vel sem at sapien interdum pretium. Sed porttitor, odio in blandit ornare, arcu risus pulvinar ante, a gravida augue justo sagittis ante. Sed mattis consectetur metus quis rutrum. Phasellus ultrices nisi a orci dignissim nec rutrum turpis semper.

G63AMG Hennessey HPE700 VS R35…G63AMGへネシーHPE700対R35

What happens when you drag race a stock Nissan GTR against 2013 AMG G63 G-Wagon upgraded with the Hennessey HPE700 upgrade? Hint: Always put the GTR in R mode or the race could be quite different….


Heavy rain and drag race don’t mix well… 大雨とドラッグレースは相性が悪い・・・

This clip was shot by in the Dmitrovsky District outside Moscow, the GT-R on the right looks like it’s headed for a normal run on a drag strip when it suddenly breaks to the left, slamming into the end of a guardrail and becoming airborne from the impact. It then proceeds to spin at least five times before finally coming to a halt.

Thanks to its crumple zone, the cabin seems intact despite the intensity of this accident. But the driver doesn’t come out of the car for quite a while… What is he/she doing?

It turns out the driver was taking his/her time by hanging some clothing on a hanger because she is just that smooth, like this sort of thing happens every day. Also, she’s not wearing a helmet, because Russia. We should be expecting a dashcam view of this crash shortly, also because Russia.






The driver claims that the axles broke…アクスルが壊れた、と言っているドラッグレース事故

We have brought you a video of an R35 where it tried to do rocket launch and broke its differential gears.This time, the uploader of the video claims that the axle broke, during the acceleration… Hmmmm, this time, i have my doubts. Even with all the electronic aids in the world, the Nissan GT-R can still be hard car to drive?!

Poor Dodge Dart.

R35がロケット加速時にディファレンシャルが壊れた動画をお届けしましたが、今度はドラッグレース中に競争相手に突っ込んでしまうハプニング。ドラッグ レースしたことないんですが、ありゃ、絶対真っ直ぐ走らせるのは至難の業ですよね・・・。ドライバーは「アクスルが壊れた」と語っているようですが、ボク にはどうも操作ミスにしか見えません・・・。


R35 is still alive in yr 2154?! 2154年にもR35は不滅、ってこと?!

Some of you have already seen the new film, Elysium. The story takes place in year 2154. The preview can be seen on YouTube and we found something interesting.

THERE IS AN R35 in 2154?????


A Bugatti seems quite futuristic, convincing enough to be in 2154.


But will R35 last 140 years? As much as I love R35… I somehow doubt it very much. Lol

It is an interesting product placement, none the less.



