Tag Archives: gt-r magazine

R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II is in store now! R35GT-Rパーフェクト ブック II、是非ご覧ください!

GT-R Magazine’s staff car has driven 123,000km in 5 and half years. Any cars driven more than 100,000km, in Japan, is considered “a lot”. With the help of NISMO, they have decided to take evenryting apart, from this particular R35, and look closely into the wear and tear to see what 125,000km of driving did to the car. The arcticle is featured on not GT-R Magazine but its sibling magazine called “R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II”. I, seriously, am curious! The magazine will be on sale from 1st July!
For more detail, click here.

発売から約5年半が経ち、成熟の域に達したといっていいR35。『GT-R Magazine(発行:株式会社交通タイムス社)』では、その魅力を一冊に凝縮した『R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK Ⅱ』を特別編集し現在、好評販売中です。巻頭では編集部所有の初期型07年モデルを題材に、エンジンとシャシーを完全分解。走行12万3000kmの消耗度を各部位別に検証。作業を担当したのは、日産ワークスの「NISMO大森ファクトリー」です。R35を知り尽くしたメカニックが本誌スタッフカーに下した驚きの診断結果とは!?



“R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II” will be released on 1st July! 『R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK Ⅱ』7月1日(月)発売!

It has been five and half years since the debut of R35 and, it is fair to say, it has reached its maturity. GT-R Magazine (published by Kotsu times sha co.,ltd) will release a specially edited magazine named “R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II” from 1st July. We will be featuring our own staff car, ’07 debut model, and will explore the anatomy of this particular machine. It has clocked 123,000km and will look into the wear and tear of engine and chassis very closely. Our “doctor” was Nissan Works “NISMO Omori Factory”. The guys who know R35 judged our R35 with a surprising result. Other features are of the comparison between Japanese supercars with “continental” counterparts like Ferrari 458 Italia and McLaren MP4-12C, details of model year differences will be shown in detail and there are advises from famous tuners as well. The magazine will be packed with information on R35!

発売から約5年半が経ち、成熟の域に達したといっていいR35。『GT-R Magazine(発行:株式会社交通タイムス社)』では、その魅力を一冊に凝縮した『R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK Ⅱ』を特別編集し、7月1日から発売する。巻頭では編集部所有の初期型07年モデルを題材に、エンジンとシャシーを完全分解。走行12万3000kmの消耗度を各部位別に検証している。今回の作業を担当したのは、日産ワークスの「NISMO大森ファクトリー」。R35を知り尽くしたメカニックが本誌スタッフカーに下した驚きの診断結果とは!? その他、「日欧スーパーカー対決」として、フェラーリ458イタリアとマクラーレンMP4-12Cも登場。歴代イヤーモデルの変更点解説や有名ショップのチューニング指南などなど、一冊丸ごとR35情報満載でお届けする!

“R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II” will be released on 1st July/ 2000yen(GTSincluded)/ published by Kotsu times sha co.,ltd「R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK Ⅱ」 2013年7月1日(月)発売/定価:2000円(税込み)/発行元:株式会社交通タイムス社

●Main features of R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II
・ “The reality of 120,000km R35” : We will “dissect” the engine and chassis of our staff car.
・ “What it takes to be a supercar”: R35 vs Ferrari 458 Italia&McLaren MP4-12C
・ “How R35 came about and its future”: How we spent 5 years with the 3rd generation GT-R
・ “The truth about maturity”: We will look closely into the detail of every “year models”
・ “The law of Fine Tuning”: How to increase its attraction and quality.
・ “How to get the best”: Used GT-R dealer will tell us what to look out for.
・ “R35’s DATA”: Complete list of parts, number of R35s registered according to year models.

● R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK Ⅱの主なコンテンツ
・ エンジン&シャシーを完全分解『R35 走行12万kmの真実』
・ R35 vs Ferrari 458 Italia&McLaren MP4-12C『スーパーカーの条件』
・ 第3世代GT-Rの進化と共に歩んだ5年『R35の来し方行く末』
・ 歴代イヤーモデル徹底比較『熟成という真価』
・ R35の魅力と質感を高める『Fine Tuningの法則』
・ ユーズドR専門店が教える購入ポイント『極上を手にするために』
・ 純正部品価格から各年度/各グレード別の登録台数まで『R35’s DATA』

GT-R Magazine Vol.111 on sale from 1st June! 「GT-R Magazine 111号」6月1日(土)発売!

4door GT-R was available with second generation GT-R, R33. This is the photo of that rare “Autech Version”. The body is scattered with rust and this car was deteriorating but we have decided to restore it. Will 4door R33 make a complete recovery?!



The main feature, of the latest issue of GT-R Magazine (Vol.111), is “Life with GT-Rs” and shows you people who are enjoying their GT-Rs with various styles. Six readers have sworn to spend their lives with GT-Rs and will tell us of their tales on the love they endure towards their machines. As for the red Hakosuka GT-R(KPGC10) is owned by one of those six and to our/your surprise… the body is made of dry carbon except for roof, rear fender and back panel! Other feature articles are just as dramatic. There is an article on a driver who bought his R32 brand new, back in 1989, and has been driving it for the past 23 years, there is also a story on a driver who has driven his R32 for more than 400,000km etc.

GT-R Magazine Vol.111 contents: “Life with GT-Rs”/ Prelude of BNR34 Nur engine maturity/ R33 Autech version revival/ Anatomy of BCNR33/ GT-R Magazine original exhaust development/ R’s Meeting 2013 in Fuji Speedway begins its entries etc.

GT-R Magazine最新号(111号)の巻頭企画は、「GT-Rのある人生」と題して、さまざまなスタイルでGT-Rライフを楽しんでいる熱いオーナーが登 場。GT-R と出会い、GT-Rとともに一生歩んで行くことを固く決意する読者代表の6人が、Rに注ぐ深い愛を語ります。ちなみに、今回の表紙に登場している赤いハコ スカGT-R(KPGC10)も今回の巻頭企画に登場するオーナーカーですが、なんと、ルーフとリヤフェンダー、バックパネル以外はすべてドライカーボン 製! その他、R32のデビュー(1989年)と同時に新車で購入し、レストアを施して23年間大切に乗り続けている方や、ワンオーナーで40万km以上 走行しているR32などなど、GT-Rオーナーたちの特別なドラマを紹介しています。

GT-R Magazine 111号の主なコンテンツ:巻頭特集「GT-Rのある人生」/BNR34 Nurエンジン深化の序章/R33オーテックバージョン完全甦生計画・BCNR33解体/Gマガ・オリジナルR32用マフラー開発プロジェクト/R’s Meeting 2013 in 富士スピードウェイ・イベントエントリー受け付け開始etc.

GT-R Magazine Vol.111 on sale from 1st June 2013 Price:1300yen (inclusive of GST)/ Publisher: Kotsu-Times http://www.kotsu-times.jp/
You can purchase it online!

GT-R Magazine111号



気になりますねぇ、どうだったのか!詳しくはGT-Rマガジン別冊「R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II」で取り上げているそうです。いやぁ・・・、出し惜しみしているわけじゃないんです(笑)。 7月1日、全国書店にて発売予定!!

Our Views
GT-R Magazine’s staff car has driven 123,000km in 5 and half years. Any cars driven more than 100,000km, in Japan, is considered “a lot”. With the help of NISMO, they have decided to take evenryting apart, from this particular R35, and look closely into the wear and tear to see what 125,000km of driving did to the car. The arcticle is featured on not GT-R Magazine but its sibling magazine called “R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II”. I, seriously, am curious! The magazine will be on sale from 1st July!