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Vivamus vel sem at sapien interdum pretium. Sed porttitor, odio in blandit ornare, arcu risus pulvinar ante, a gravida augue justo sagittis ante. Sed mattis consectetur metus quis rutrum. Phasellus ultrices nisi a orci dignissim nec rutrum turpis semper.

Nismo GT-R teaser film is out… ニスモGT-Rのティザー動画・・・

Sales of the GT-R NISMO will begin in February in Japan. Leaked information on Car and Driver tells us that the output is up from 545 horsepower and 463 lb-ft to 595 horsepower and “more than” 480 lb-ft. The bumps come courtesy of revised intake and exhaust systems, reworked ignition timing, and larger turbochargers swiped from the GT-R GT3 race car. They say they could have raised the out put more but for the sake of saving the transmission, 595 horse power was their answer. The health of the NISMO powerplant is ensured by a new higher-capacity oil pump.

So, Car and Driver comes up with a teaser info like this… then, we can tell you that Nismo GT-R’s was not able to lap Nurburgring under 7:00… But it did pretty damn good!

2月に始まると言われている、ニスモGT-R。すでにCar and Driver誌がスペックをリークしています。最高出力はノーマルの545psから595psに引き上げられているそうです。吸排気の見直し、点火タイミングの見直し、ターボチャージャーをGT3から流用などで実現。本当はもっと最高出力を高めることも出来たそうですが、トランスミッションを守るために595psで抑えたそうです。もちろん、血液であるエンジンオイルを循環させるオイルポンプも強化。

Car and Driver誌がそこまでリークするなら・・・、ニュルブルクリンクのタイムアタックで7分切りは達成できなかったことだけこっそり、書いておきます。でも、決してガッカリさせられるような数値ではありませんよぉ!




Lamborghini Aventador VS 1000ps Nissan GT-R ランボルギーニ・アヴェンタドールVS 1000㎰日産GT-R

A Lamborghini Aventador doing donut is exciting stuff.

But I enjoy watching a girl in bikinis being excited in a 1000ps GT-R.

Sorry? She reminds you of Tom Cruise? Nah… She’s hot.

Lightning struck R35, Radzilla! 稲妻に打たれたようなR35、ゴジラならぬラジラ

A photo of a GT-R was sent to us by one of our GT-R Otaku’s staff, Shin. He is in Toyo Tyre booth, at SEMA, with guys from Liberty Walk. If you feel like saying Hello!, by all means, please do so. Anyway what caught our attention is this mean looking R35.

What does it do?

How is it different?

We did some Google search and found out that the car had been modified by FlyRyde who specializes in custom lighting. The car is nicknamed as “Nissan GT-R Radzilla” and here’s Radzila in action.

GT-R OtakuメンバーのShinがラスベガスで催されている、SEMAショーから一枚の写真を送ってきました。SEMAショーを訪れている方は、TOYOタイヤブースでShinにお気軽にSay Hello!ってなわけで、気になるこのR35…






Radzilla’s Instagram is here.

Leaked information of 2014 GT-R shows “R Hybrid” is yet to be seen… 2014年式GT-R内部情報に「R HYBRID」の文字は一切出てこず・・・

We have obtained a highly confidential internal memo regarding 2014 Nissan GT-R. As much as we would have liked to see “R Hybrid” whether it be KERS developed by Williams or new hybrid system for R35… there was nothing of that sort…

All we gathered from the memo was the fact that Nissan delaer network handling GT-R may change hands to exclusive dealers only in Japan. But that doesn’t concern many of you reading this article in English.

There are Pure edition, Black edition as well as Premium edition in terms of packagings but other than that, there seems to be not much change. Whether they have revised the engine output is unknown. As for optional equipment, there are Recaro carbon bucket seats, Rays forged aluminum wheels, dried carbon rear wings… yeah, cool. But then again, there were no photos to impress us either.

Ah well, at least we still have Nismo GT-R to look forward to at 2013 Tokyo Motorshow…

PURE EDITION 9,051,000yen
BLACK EDITION 9,933,000yen
PREMIUM EDITION 10,111,500yen
(All including Japanese consumption tax)



個人的には・・・、ちょっと残念でした。「R HYBRID」の商標登録の話題もあり、WILLIAMSとの技術提携の話もあり、KERSでも搭載してくるかと思っていたんですが、そのようなことは一切記載されておりませんでした。



嗚呼、「R HYBRID」には相当期待していたので、ちょっと寂しい気がします。まぁ、NISMO GT-Rのデビューがありますからね、2013年東京モーターショーでは!