Tag Archives: Williams

Our souces have informed us…on Nismo GT-R 内部に詳しい人間によるニスモGT-R情報

I dislike this phrase, as it is so lame, but I’m going to use it anyway… “Our sources have informed us” that the time attack at Nurburgring for Nismo GT-R went superbly well. In fact, they have managed to beat all the previousl records held by R35. The time is yet to be revealed at Tokyo Motorshow in November but we heard some other interesting things regarding Nismo GT-R as well.

We cannot, unfortunately, confirm any of the information stated below and we hold no responsibilities for our misrepresentation…

1.Time attack was done by not only Sebastian Buemi but, apparently, Michael Krumm took part as well.
2.Target lap time was 7:10 and it was achieved by Michael Krumm.
3.Nismo will come in three, or less, different specifications just like R34’s S-tune, R-tune and Z-tune.
4.Nismo and Williams focused on aerodynamics of the car and have managed to increase downforce significantly, which led to the successful record beating lap time.

You may believe them, you may laugh them off as rumors. In a month time, truth shall prevail!

Nismo Skyline GT-R Z-tune


ただ、いずれの情報もあくまでも伝聞ですので、GT-R Otakuでは一切の責任を負えません(笑)。

3.ニスモGT-RはR34スカイラインGT-Rの時のように、S-チューン 、R-チューン、Z-チューンと複数グレード用意される


Time attack footage of Nismo GT-R

Nismo GT-R will hit 0-60mph in 2 seconds?! ニスモGT-Rは0-60マイル加速2秒?!

Auto Express has reported that Nismo GT-R, which will appear at Tokyo Motorshow in Novemember, will hit 0-60mph in 2 seconds! That’s insanely fast and as quick as Nismo GT-R GT3…

Nismo has just recently announced its partnership with Williams Advanced Engineering. Will Nismo GT-R become hybrid like Porsche GT3R Hybrid or Jaguar C X75 which were jointly developed with Williams Advanced Engineering? What do you think?

Head over to Auto Express for more.


2013年式R35の0-100km/h加速は2.74秒、マイル表示国では0-60mph(96km/h)加速2.7秒です。イギリスのAUTO EXPRESSがグッドウッド・フェスティバル・オブ・スピードで関係者に取材したところ、今年11月の東京モーターショーに出展される「NISMO GT-R」が11月の0-60mph加速2秒になるだろう、と取り上げています。NISMO GT-R GT3並みじゃないですか!

6月下旬、NISMOはF1で有名なウィリアムズ・グループ傘下のウィリアムズ・アドバンスト・エンジニアリングとパートナーシップを締結。その第一弾として、NISMO GT-R Williams Edition(?)を投入するようです。0-60mph2秒って・・・、ブガッティ・ヴェイロンを上回る加速力です(笑)。ただでさえ速いのに、もうウルトラ・スーパーカーの域です。



ジャガーC X75といった、車両を各メーカーと共同開発。



