We have obtained a highly confidential internal memo regarding 2014 Nissan GT-R. As much as we would have liked to see “R Hybrid” whether it be KERS developed by Williams or new hybrid system for R35… there was nothing of that sort…
All we gathered from the memo was the fact that Nissan delaer network handling GT-R may change hands to exclusive dealers only in Japan. But that doesn’t concern many of you reading this article in English.
There are Pure edition, Black edition as well as Premium edition in terms of packagings but other than that, there seems to be not much change. Whether they have revised the engine output is unknown. As for optional equipment, there are Recaro carbon bucket seats, Rays forged aluminum wheels, dried carbon rear wings… yeah, cool. But then again, there were no photos to impress us either.
Ah well, at least we still have Nismo GT-R to look forward to at 2013 Tokyo Motorshow…
PURE EDITION 9,051,000yen
BLACK EDITION 9,933,000yen
PREMIUM EDITION 10,111,500yen
(All including Japanese consumption tax)

個人的には・・・、ちょっと残念でした。「R HYBRID」の商標登録の話題もあり、WILLIAMSとの技術提携の話もあり、KERSでも搭載してくるかと思っていたんですが、そのようなことは一切記載されておりませんでした。
嗚呼、「R HYBRID」には相当期待していたので、ちょっと寂しい気がします。まぁ、NISMO GT-Rのデビューがありますからね、2013年東京モーターショーでは!