
R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II is in store now! R35GT-Rパーフェクト ブック II、是非ご覧ください!

GT-R Magazine’s staff car has driven 123,000km in 5 and half years. Any cars driven more than 100,000km, in Japan, is considered “a lot”. With the help of NISMO, they have decided to take evenryting apart, from this particular R35, and look closely into the wear and tear to see what 125,000km of driving did to the car. The arcticle is featured on not GT-R Magazine but its sibling magazine called “R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK II”. I, seriously, am curious! The magazine will be on sale from 1st July!
For more detail, click here.

発売から約5年半が経ち、成熟の域に達したといっていいR35。『GT-R Magazine(発行:株式会社交通タイムス社)』では、その魅力を一冊に凝縮した『R35GT-R PERFECT BOOK Ⅱ』を特別編集し現在、好評販売中です。巻頭では編集部所有の初期型07年モデルを題材に、エンジンとシャシーを完全分解。走行12万3000kmの消耗度を各部位別に検証。作業を担当したのは、日産ワークスの「NISMO大森ファクトリー」です。R35を知り尽くしたメカニックが本誌スタッフカーに下した驚きの診断結果とは!?



R35 abandoned in Greece… ギリシャから捨てられたR35の写真・・・。

We don’t know what happened to this particular GT-R. Photos were posted on Gumbal’s facebook page and became an internet sensation. As the photos were taken in Greece, everyone’s best bet is that the owner fled the country…


Speaking of abandoning cars… how could we forget Dubai. So, I went to YouTube and found this video clip. Title claims “Dubai” but some of them were not shot in Dubai. But it is true that some people abandon expensive cars for whatever reasons…





10th anniversary of D&S Night 2013! D&S Night2013、今年は10周年記念イベント

At Sendai Highland circuit’s drag course, an event called “D&S night 2013” will be held on the 3rd of August. There will be a gathering of dressed up cars as well as drag cars and lots drag races of cars along with bikes. This is their 10th year of holding drag race event and it’s hot and smokey…obviously.


Revival 1/4 mile
Japan drag race way

japan drag race way

For more information, click here

English publications like comparing Audi RS6 against R35?!   イギリスの自動車誌はアウディRS6とR35比較が大好き?!

We have just recently featured an article on the test done by EVO. It was a comparison against Audi RS4 and RS6 at the beginning and ultimately, RS6 vs GT-R. AUTO CAR just released a video featuring on the comparison test between RS6 and GT-R.

Why do English publications think RS6 could be a rival for GT-R? They both point out that GT-R is faster and RS6 is more luxurious… Tell us something we didn’t know! Well, AUTO CAR found out that the brakes on Audi RS6 stops faster from 100mph-0 than GT-R.

Anyway, whenever I see a face of Steve Sutcliff, I always watch this accident…
AUTO CARのスティーブ・サックリフ氏ですが・・・、彼を見るたびに思い出すのが、このジャガーSタイプRの試乗会模様です・・・。

つい先日、イギリスのEVO誌がまずはアウディRS4vsRS6を特集し、勝者であるRS6がGT-Rと対決した動画をご紹介しました。本日は同じくイギリスのAUTO CAR誌が取り上げたRS6とGT-Rの対決モノです。

EVO誌は「負けはしたけどRS6は、しっかりGT-Rに付いて行った」とあまりよく分からない結論でした(笑)。AUTO CARでは加速、横G、ワインディング走行タイム、ブレーキ、内装を比較。加速、横G、ワインディング走行、いずれもGT-Rが勝つんですが、驚いたことにブレーキはRS6の勝ち。重たくて大きい車なのに、凄いですね。


