English publications like comparing Audi RS6 against R35?!   イギリスの自動車誌はアウディRS6とR35比較が大好き?!

We have just recently featured an article on the test done by EVO. It was a comparison against Audi RS4 and RS6 at the beginning and ultimately, RS6 vs GT-R. AUTO CAR just released a video featuring on the comparison test between RS6 and GT-R.

Why do English publications think RS6 could be a rival for GT-R? They both point out that GT-R is faster and RS6 is more luxurious… Tell us something we didn’t know! Well, AUTO CAR found out that the brakes on Audi RS6 stops faster from 100mph-0 than GT-R.

Anyway, whenever I see a face of Steve Sutcliff, I always watch this accident…
AUTO CARのスティーブ・サックリフ氏ですが・・・、彼を見るたびに思い出すのが、このジャガーSタイプRの試乗会模様です・・・。

つい先日、イギリスのEVO誌がまずはアウディRS4vsRS6を特集し、勝者であるRS6がGT-Rと対決した動画をご紹介しました。本日は同じくイギリスのAUTO CAR誌が取り上げたRS6とGT-Rの対決モノです。

EVO誌は「負けはしたけどRS6は、しっかりGT-Rに付いて行った」とあまりよく分からない結論でした(笑)。AUTO CARでは加速、横G、ワインディング走行タイム、ブレーキ、内装を比較。加速、横G、ワインディング走行、いずれもGT-Rが勝つんですが、驚いたことにブレーキはRS6の勝ち。重たくて大きい車なのに、凄いですね。




London supercars are basically hated… ロンドンではスーパーカーが嫌われる?

London has become a favorite summer destination for the “rich” of Middle East in the past few years. If you search “London Supercar” on YouTube, as many of you have already done, there are many video clips. They fly their supercars into London and speed around the luxurious parts of the town. We see them driving around in the south of France as well. Ah, such tough life…lol

It may be true that supercar noise is disturbing the Londoners’ sleep but… they retaliate by blocking a Lamborghini Aventador with a bike… intentionally?!

R35 wasn’t attacked but poor Ferrari 458 Italia Spyder was attacked with an egg…

Londoners be more tolerant as these boys are spending lots of money in town…

YouTubeで「London Supercar」と検索すれば、中東系大富豪たちが様々なスーパーカーでロンドンの高級エリアを疾走しているたくさんの動画に出くわします。なんでも夏休みの間、クルマを母国から空輸して遊んでいるんですって・・・。ロンドンに限らず、南仏でも多いですよねぇ。いやはや、遊びのスケールが違います(笑)。



Audi RS6 is one of the fastest cars of Audi but… R35 is still faster. アウディRS6は速いけど・・・、R35には負けるんです

Audi RS6 (Avant or sedan) used to have twin-turbo V10 engines and now that the model has been ditched in favor of a less-powerful V8-powered model, the crew over at EVO magazine decided to make sure it was still as fast as an RS6 deserves to be. They first pitted RS6 against its smaller brother, the RS4, and then a Nissan GT-R.

A fairly interesting and eloquent video, though we kind-of expected this result… Evo thinks it was a good job by the RS6 but… it still lost…




The almost invincible R35 sometimes fails… ほぼ最強R35も壊れることはあるんです

It is fair to say that GT-R is almost invincible and has the best value for money in terms of acceleration. But sometimes, as with all cars, it breaks down… This was the case when we were shooting 0-400m of this particular R35. Unfortunate incident but at least noone was injured…

The differential gear broke… just as it accelerated with a “bang”… We came across a very old video clip put together by GM on differential gear and it, probably, is still the best tutorial video.

