Category Archives: Videos/ビデオ

Such a cool film yet I don’t know what the story is… 凄い動画だけどストーリーは解読不能w

I have absolutely no idea what this short film is on about but… who cares when it looks as spectacular as this one? Monster Energy released this short film on YouTube on 1st of April. But it was no April fools.

Could anyone tell us what the story line is? lol





アメリカのMotor TrendはアウディR8 V10プラスとR35を対決させ・・・





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Motor Trend and Autocar have decided to put R35 against Audi R8 V10 Plus as well as Alpina B6. Both Audi and Alpina are more expensive and slower than R35 yet receive praises for their comfort and ease of driving. Although R35 is praised for its sheer speed on circuits, both medias seem not fully satisfied with GT-R.

Nissan GT-R has pursued numbers. Lexus LFA pursued the joy of driving, regardless of the cost. Yet, both Japanese supercars never quite seem to get the full praises from journalists or from the car media when compared with their rival supercars.

I would like to see a journalist, or a car media who can point out exactly what is missing from GT-R or Lexus LFA… Is it the history of the brand? Is it the design?


チューンドGT-Rは0-400m加速を8秒台で駆け抜け・・・、なんだか凄いことになっています。そんな“8秒台クラブ”の一角を担うのが、ドバイのSP Engineering. なんとなくのイメージですけど・・・、お金に糸目を付けない方々のわがままな要望に一生懸命応えていそうです(笑)。

0-400m 8.79sec
Reached Speed 167mph (267.2km/h)

Custom cars そんな彼らのイメージビデオがなかなかカッコ良かったのでご紹介します!


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Modified GT-Rs are running 0-400m in 8 seconds these days… SP Engineering of Dubai is one of those who managed to join the “8 seconds club”. Their modified R35 looks great and I thought the promotional video of their shop looked good, too.

What caught my attention was the fact that they are building Juke R as well… I can only imagine their customers wanting nothing but the best and spare no expense….


トランクリッドに「コジラ」と可愛く書かれていることに目を奪われた、筆者ですが・・・、なかなかオシャレなマシンです。2012年にもGUMBALL3000に出場中のTEAM WOLF PACKですが、今年もGT-Rがエントリーを果たしました!昨年は蛍光緑、今年は蛍光緑に加えてカモフラージュか、戦闘機がモチーフでしょうか?いやはや、羨ましい車道楽ぶりです。

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Team Wolf Pack’s Nissan GT-R enjoyed last year’s Gumball adventure and for 2013, Godzilla received a jet fighter theme via a green-colored wrap. The “military forces” connection between the two car is obvious, so it seems that the team, which comes from Oman, has a passion for all things army.